Downloadable EFL Lesson: April Spring Cleaning
| Teaching House Nomads Blog
Happy Spring! The month of April is here, and you know what that means – April showers (and possibly May flowers) but more importantly, spring cleaning! Get your students excited about the refreshing season with some tips on how to spring clean their lives.

Type: Reading, Vocabulary
Level: Intermediate+
Lesson Aims: Learners will develop reading skills and develop their ability to figure out the meaning of unfamiliar vocabulary from context.
Approximate Timing: 45 – 60 min.
Note to the Teacher: April marks the beginning of spring and what better time than now to do some spring cleaning! This lesson focuses on advice to spring clean your life by decluttering in seven easy steps. It’s a fun lesson that will develop your learners’ reading skills and their ability to deduce meaning of vocabulary from context.
The text is from an Australian lifestyle magazine ‘Body + Soul’, which is a supplement to the Sunday papers. The text has been modified to follow American spelling conventions. Enjoy the sunshine!
Download the lesson materials and lesson plan here: April: Spring Clean Your Life!